Why use 2000 micron board for strut cards?

Why use 2000 micron board for strut cards?

Why use 2000 micron board for strut cards?

Stronger strut cards

2000 micron board is considerably stronger than most other paper stocks, meaning there’s no chance of your strut card bending. The most popular industries for strut card use are hospitality and retail: both trades where you would expect your strut card to be handled frequently (e.g. as a bar menu or a list of services). As such, the stronger the material, the better for maintaining a rigid shape!

2000 micron board offers more durability

The stronger the material, the longer your custom printed strut card will last! By using a heavier duty board, compared to many other brands, we offer a longer life for your product. It cuts down the risk of bending or accidental damage, and if a 2000micron board is accidentally dropped on the restaurant, bar or shop floor – it’ll probably be alright!

A strut card that promotes your brand

Stronger paper stock suggests higher quality to your customer base. Compared to a flimsy, bendable, dented card, our 2000 micron strong boards will convey a sense of professionalism, and show your customers that you invest in your products.

Alternatives available

And if you’re looking something to be used less frequently, or perhaps for a display that won’t be handled, we do offer a lighter-weight alternative in 450gsm stock. This stock is thicker than business card stock and is a good cost-effective alternative for a lightly used or untouched display.

We can also offer a range of finishing options for your show card printing, and you can find templates here, to create your very own strut card mockup. We offer a wide variety of sizes including A4 strut cards, A5, A3 and A2 strut cards and giant A0 cards!

If you have any questions regarding custom printed cards uk orders, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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